Admiring The Woven Rugs At All Strings Considered |
The winner of the Waynesburg Sheep & Fiber Fest "Best Fiber Booth Award" this year went to Birgitta Nostring of All Strings Considered from Meyersdale, PA. The festival committee sends anonymous judges, usually young people - 4H members, Fair Royalty, etc. - to visit each booth. They judge the booths on display, signage, labeling, and how the vendor relates to them and decribes their craft. The vendors are usually surprised to hear that they've been judged and are very pleased to hear that they won.
All Strings Considered - Felted Hats & Colorful Shawl |
The winner of the Best Craft Booth Award was Tustin Run Specialties of Brave, PA in Greene County. The smell of their soaps & lotions filled the building!
There was a nice crowd at the festival enjoying the perfect weather, beautiful fiber and crafts, chef cooking demos, and all of the other activities .... stay tuned for more pics & goodies.