Are You Sure I Can't Come Inside? |
Still off limits to Glenda, it seems that our new building has been designated a "run in shed" or a "loafing shed" by our local farmer friends. I think we'll stick with calling it "the loafing shed"!
Here are a couple of shots of the progress ...... the rough cut cherry siding looks really nice. We won't have enough to totally close in the lower side this year, but we've got another pile of logs ready for the sawmill this fall. Next on the agenda is finding several trees nice enough to have 10' boards cut for the sliding doors when the sawyer gets here.
North End - Louvers Will Go Up Here Too |
The end trusses are built with vertical bracing, so Mr. Wild Rose Farm had to put in cross pieces to nail on the vertical boards ......
The openings on the upper side of the building are where the louvers will go on the wall. We'll cut stock panels to fit over the bottom of the louvers on the inside to prevent animals from pushing directly on them. It should look nice from the outside & will permit more light into the building. For now there won't be any electricity here.
Support Braces To Come Down Next |
Once we take down the builder's 2x4 bracing, it will be used to nail diagonally across the trusses above to strengthen them. Everything gets used!