Wild Rose Farm Llama Lisa Gliding Past Her Sheep! |
Doesn't Lisa look like a ship in a sea of fall gold?!? She came up with the ewes and was headed to the water tank. Meanwhile, the ewes were headed back towards the rock pile. It's actually a pile of barn stone that we have stored in the pasture field. Usually it's the lambs that frolic on the pile, but right now the ewes are using it. They're a little fiesty right now as the weather cools down and the days get shorter ...... lots of head butting. Yes, it's getting close to our breeding season at Wild Rose Farm.
It's also time to sell our ewe lambs, so we just put an ad in the
Farm And Dairy. We'd love to see some of the ewe lambs go to new flocks. We have 7 Rambouillet & 9 Dorset/Rambouillet crossbred ewe lambs for sale and all of them are twins. We have enough sheep for ourselves, so this is one of those rare years where we will not hold any back for our own breeding program.
But back to the rock pile ........ !!!
Wild Rose Farm Ewes On The Rock Pile .... |