Maple Hollow Farm in Bedford County, PA |
Finally ... a chance to put up a post after a busy weekend ... we drove out to
Maple Hollow Farm in Bedford County, PA on Saturday. They focus on production style Dorset sheep and that's the way we'd like to go with the Dorset portion of our flock. Brian & Melanie brought a very uniform group of early 2014 ewe lambs up off of the pasture fields and into the barn for us to sort through ...
Maple Hollow Farm - 2014 Dorset Ewe Lambs For Sale |
What a nice looking cohort of ewe lambs - if you click on the picture, you'll also spot 2 Border Leicesters & a Tunis! :) But just being "nice looking" doesn't get it here. Out came the production records with adjusted weaning weights, etc., so we were able to sort through that data as we looked at the lambs. MHF has imported semen from Australia and we were interested in buying registered lambs with that type of production background.
Maple Hollow Farm Dorset Ewe Lambs Loaded |
After a bit of time looking at the lambs, we loaded up 2 ewe lambs and were ready to head home ...
How About The View From The Top Of Maple Hollow Farm? |
The drive was uneventful except for the usual kids (and adults) staring and pointing at the sheep as we passed through the suburbs of the Pittsburgh area!
Dorset Ewe Lambs Parked In The Shade At Wild Rose Farm
Look At The Length Of That Lamb! |
So that was Saturday ... on Sunday, we had a pick-up. Ashley came and picked up 2 registered Rambouillets. She got one ewe lamb and one ram lamb to add to her flock and to show. We lucked out and she arrived in the afternoon between pop up T-showers.
Wild Rose Farm Rambouillet Ewe Lamb #0426 |
In all of the jockeying around, I didn't get a picture of the lambs leaving. Being early May lambs, they aren't nearly as large as the Dorsets that we brought home on Saturday. They departed in style in the back of a Honda CR-V. They were quite content to stay next to the back window & away from Ashley & her Mom in the front seat! :) Good luck showing the lambs!