Wow ... so where have we been all summer & fall? Here's a look back at what has been going on in between taking care of the ewes & lambs.
Old Spring Development H2O Tank |
Our old "middle" spring development tank was due to be replaced. This one is seasonal, so while it was soooo dry in July, we replaced it. We also had the nearby stumps pulled from the winter brush clearing project. All of this was in preparation for a pasture sub-division fence project. See how these things go?
Pushing Stumps Onto The Brush Pile |
Finally, by October, we had running water after getting a decent amount of rain. Of course, as of yesterday, the new tank is just holding even since it hasn't rained again for a couple of weeks. As you can see below, we were paint marking & staking out the spots for the fence posts.
New Tank & Crystal Clear Water! |
Meanwhile, "back at the ranch" this August, Mr. WRF tackled the 12' barn doors that weren't meeting up flush together and latching correctly. Turns out that the "boards behind the board" that formed the header where the doors were attached had some rot and had to be replaced. The doors had been built in place, so the trick here is to do the repair/replace while the doors are still hanging off to the side. I stayed away from this project ... :~0
Wild Rose Farm Barn Door Repair Project |
The hot, dry weather also provided a window to "finish" the Loafing Shed. It was coated with linseed oil and then the trim & louvers were painted white. What a difference!
Loafing Shed & Fall Color! |
The doors are ash - complete with the Emerald Ash Borer grooves that killed the tree - and the siding is cherry. The ash borer marks in the wood of the doors are reminiscent of wormy chestnut ...
And the fence project? And Snow White's trip to the vet? We'll save that for another day!