Log Landing Mulched |
The timber harvest was completed and we now have a couple of neighbors who are cutting firewood from the big pieces left over around the log landing. Looking at the picture above, there are still plenty of trees left ... not like a clear cut operation would look. The rest of the tops, or slash as it's called, are left to provide wildlife cover and rot down returning nutrients to the soil.
Tops Left To Decompose |
We also quickly put in a new gate just off of the road at the entrance to the log landing. We permit hunting on the farm, but we're closed to motorized vehicles, as the sign below says. Quads & dirt bikes would rut the trails and cause compaction & topsoil erosion. We'll also walk over the trails in a month or so and do frost seeding in addition to the mulching done by the timber company.
New Farm Gate! |
And ... there must be something in the air with escaped livestock around here. We no sooner had this gate up, than a neighbor on the back road stopped in to report that he had 2 Holstein calves on the loose! He said they were about 300-400 lbs. At that size I'm afraid that they'll be spooky & fleet like deer and will take a while to settle down and come in with someone else's cattle. We'll keep an eye out, but ...
Wild Rose Farm Snow White & Ewe Lambs |
Meanwhile, back in the barn, Snow White has been keeping company with the ewe lambs while the ram is out with the ewes. That intent look means that she's waiting for me to hand over a treat!