Wild Rose Farm - 6:30AM Pasture Scene |
The picture above is what it looks like when a "granny ewe" is hanging out with another ewe and her newborn lambs --- enlarge the pic & see them off to the far right? Sure enough, Dorset ewe #116 had a set of twins and Rambouillet ewe #407 was hoping that they were hers! She followed right along when they were brought up to the barn.
Wild Rose Farm - Granny Ewe Following Lambs Up To Barn! |
In this case, #116 is an older, experienced ewe who's raised triplets in the past, so she isn't about to be run off from her lambs by another ewe. She is on the right in the picture and the plump #407 is coming along on the other side of Mr. Wild Rose Farm. We had to put the lambs down in the chute & close the gate behind them and #116 to physically separate them.
Ewe #407 Doesn't Want To Leave ... |
It's mostly a case of hormones in an older ewe near lambing time - she wants a lamb! We sent her back out to the pasture & will continue to keep an eye on her.
Twin Ram & Ewe Lambs - Settled In Comfortably With Mom! |
Nothing else as of 8:30 PM ...