Wild Rose Farm Ewes - Headed to Barn Before Shearing |
We've had a lot of activity here at the farm over the last couple of weeks! Shearing was done on April 13th this year. Luckily the weather has been decent since then, but we still keep the ewes sheltered in the barn for a week or so if it is raining (or snowing!). They adjust pretty quickly and by this time of year, they're ready to get rid of those winter coats. They also come in for shade if it is too sunny …
Shearing the Big Rambouillet Ram! |
We had one ram to shear since we sold the Dorset ram last fall after he completed his breeding assignment! The Rambouillet ram was surprisingly "easy" to shear for our shearer, even though he is bigger than the ewes … he was calm and the only thing to watch was negotiating around the horns without hooking his arms.
Wild Rose Farm Ewes - Enjoying a Sunny Day After Shearing! |
There are 8 yearlings retained in the flock this year, so we took 8 "side samples" of their fleece and shipped them to Yocum-McColl Testing Labs in Denver for micron testing.
Next up … lambing!