Wild Rose Farm #151 - Twins!
Time to catch up on the lambing season … we had two sets of twins born on the 27th. Our pretty horned crossbred ewe #151 has a ewe lamb & a ram lamb. We just tagged & vaccinated them this afternoon & the ram lamb will have horns too. Both are doing well!
Wild Rose Farm #144 - Twins Too! |
Late in the evening, and actually a few minutes into the 28th, #144 delivered a set of twin ram lambs. She seemed to be "thinking about" lambing for a couple of days as you've seen. Here she has them cleaned off ... the one lamb has his head down searching, but he needs to go towards the other end!
Snow White continues her pasture duty with the rest of the flock. This is the first time I've ever seen her munching on the white pines …
Snow White Snacking on the White Pines |