Wild Rose Farm Sunny Pasture Scene Today |
We've had several sets of twins born since our last post and today was no exception. The weather has been mostly "decent" and no one has tempted fate by lambing outside in the rain. Snow White & the ewes can take shelter underneath the pine trees and they do have access to the barn if we expect a heavy rain.
Wild Rose Farm #141 & Her Twins |
Around noon today we found one of our crossbred ewes, #141, in the pasture delivering a ewe lamb. She looked like she was going to have another lamb and we moved her up to the barn. Checking on her later around 2PM she hadn't delivered a second lamb, so an investigation was in order. Yep, there was another lamb in there and he was presenting back feet first. It was time to put on gloves and the long OB sleeve to help and pull the lamb. This must be done carefully, but very quickly. Once the umbilical cord breaks, it triggers the sharp intake of breath in the newborn and the head must come out and be cleaned off immediately ... all's well that ends well! That's him on the left after we wiped him off and now the ewe is taking over. It's also a good idea to towel some of the birthing fluids from him onto the first born lamb to make them both smell similar to the ewe.
By now it was around 3PM and it was time to make the daily pasture fence shift ...
Wild Rose Farm #129 & Her Triplets! |
I was puttering around in the barn working on getting a couple of the pens ready when I heard a call from outside. Mr.Wild Rose Farm said that there were more lambs & to get a pen ready while he brought them up. Whoa! Our crossbred ewe #129 had delivered and cleaned off a set of triplets sometime after we brought in #141 and I took that banner picture above.
She followed right up to the barn and into the big corner pen that we have reserved (just in case) for triplets. She has two ewe lambs and one ram lamb and is taking care of all of them. As time goes on, we'll watch them carefully, but for now they're all active and nursing.
Since the whole flock followed the triplets up to the barn, we did some other work with them & replaced a couple of missing ear tags. Then we sent them back out to pasture for the evening with Snow White.
The temps are dropping overnight with high winds, so we have 2 ewes that look to be very close to lambing up in the barn tonight … you never know!