Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Weather Coming!

Wild Rose Farm had a great time at the Christmas At The Village event yesterday.  We saw several of our regular yarn & wool customers and got to meet a couple more!  We've been handing out the "Save The Date" cards for the Waynesburg Sheep & Fiber Festival.  Last night bunches of them made their way into the hands of knitters & fiber folks to take back to their friends and their clubs or guilds.  The camera battery ran out, so no pictures of the show ..... :(    I hate when that happens!
It sounds like we have the snow and cold coming our way tonight.  It was raining earlier today, but the temps dropped and the flurries have started.  It may be a winter wonderland tomorrow ..... we brought Glenda up to the barn yesterday so she has shelter from the cold rain.
As of today, 14 ewes are marked as being bred ..... 7 more to go!

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