Early Morning - Ewe #98 Pacing - Where Are My Lambs? |
We started out with a check at the Loafing Shed this morning and found a set of twins and 2 singles ... or did we? We brought the 2 well taken care of singles and moms over to the barn. Then when I looked at happy ewe #98, I said "She's as big as a house! Those aren't her lambs!". Nope, ol' #98 had stolen 2 lambs from the other younger ewes! Well, she followed us and the 2 lambs over to the barn and we sorted out who the 2 lambs belonged to ... basically it has to do with seeing which ewe accepts a lamb and/or butts it away. OK, we got that figured out after a little while & made sure that the lambs had full bellies.
Ewe #98 Pawing For Lambs |
As the morning went on, #98 kept bleating and looking for lambs. She was very close to lambing and finally her water broke. Lambing was underway ...
Snow White Watches The Action! |
At 11:45 AM, we had one lamb born and by 1 PM we had a nice big set of twins out on the grass. We try to watch from a distance and not crowd the ewe. No sense creating a problem where there isn't one! The lambs are usually born with enough time between them to have the 1st one cleaned off before the 2nd one is delivered.
Wild Rose Farm Ewe #98 Delivers Twins ... |
What a nice sunny day with temps in the 50's for lambs to be born on pasture. Once the lambs are cleaned and the afterbirth is passed, we'll move them into a lambing pen for a couple of days.
The disadvantage to lambing this time of year? I usually miss the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival!
Ewe #98 Cleaning Off 2nd Lamb! |
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