Monday, August 3, 2015

2015 PA Performance Tested Ram Sale Results

L to R - #2 Senior Dorset Ram, #2 Suffolk Ram, & #1 Senior Dorset Ram
Arrive In Beaver County, PA!
On Saturday August 1st, Wild Rose Farm headed up to the PDA Livestock Evaluation Center in Pennsylvania Furnace, PA for the 2015 Annual Ram Lamb & Meat Goat Buck Sale.  The facility is on "this side" of State College and we  took a fellow Beaver County sheep producer along with us.  Between the 2 farms, we ended up bringing 3 of the top performance tested rams in the sale home with us!
The #2 index Suffolk and the # 2 index Senior Dorset rams got off the truck at JAS Registered Stock Farm. The #1 Senior Dorset ram, in the front with the red halter, came home with us.
Hollystone Farm #14-78   TW RR 4.25 Adj LEA
Senior Dorset Ram At Wild Rose Farm
Our "best effort" highlights from the 2015 PA Performance Tested Ram Sale:
Suffolks - 6 rams sold, #1 index ram out of McCauley Suffolks sold for $1100 on a phone bid.  Range of sale prices were one at $350 and the rest between $575 & $975.
Dorper - The 1 Senior Dorper out of Pushback in MD sold for $575. Then the 7 additional Junior Dorpers sold. The #1 indexing Dorper @ $800 was out of Black Creek Dorpers.  The prices ranged from $375 to $700 for the remaining 6 Dorpers sold.  1 Dorper was scratched from the sale.
White Dorpers - Top indexing ram out of Scott Mountain sold for $425, & the 2 others (also Scott Mountain)  sold for $400 & $475.
Texel - 7 rams sold with the successful bid on the #1 indexing Texel ram out of Clay-Nob at $900.  The balance of the 6 rams brought between $400 & $475 each.
Dorset - 5 Senior Dorsets sold.  The #1 indexing ram out of Hollystone Farm sold for $475 (that's him above!) and the other 4 Senior Dorset rams saw successful bids ranging from $400 to $700.
The Junior Dorset walked.
Hampshire - The top indexing Hampshire walked and the 3 other RR rams sold in sale order at $600, $400, & $350 respectively.
Shropshire - The top indexing Shrop out of Clay-Nob sold for $350 and the 2nd Shrop walked.
Both the Natural Colored & Crossbred rams walked.
A disclaimer here since we could have missed an exact bid amount & we did miss one of the Senior Dorset rams in the flurry after our bids ... :~0  There was also some spirited bidding on the Dorper, White Dorper, Texel, & Dorset ewes offered after the main sale, but we had to clear out to load up the rams, so we missed half of that action.
We do have to say that the sale was well organized this year and the paperwork & help with loading was quick!

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