Suffolk Ram Heads To The Barn At JAS Registered Stock Farm |
Our last post ended as the truck pulled in at JAS Registered Stock Farm & we dropped off the Suffolk ram - you can bet he was an RR ram! We haven't seen the auction results posted yet, so here are some highlights from the
2013 Pennsylvania Performance Tested Ram Sale :
Suffolk rams - 7 offered/sold - Top indexing ram sold for $475 & price ranges from $350 to 2 rams that sold for $750 each.
Texels - 6 offered/sold - Top indexing ram sold for $550 & price ranges from $450 to $725. These chunky rams are definitely becoming more popular.
Senior Dorpers - 2 offered & sold for $300 each.
Junior Dorpers - 7 offered/5 sold/2 walked - Top indexing ram sold for $1050 - others sold for $300 - $325.
White Dorpers - 2 offered/sold - Top indexing ram sold for $725, 2nd ram sold for $550.
Maple Spring Farms - Lovell 13-566 TW RR 4.21 LEA |
Senior Dorsets - 6 offered/sold - Top indexing fall born ram above sold to Wild Rose Farm for $600 - others sold for $375 - $650.
Junior Dorsets - 2 offered/sold - Top indexing ram sold for $500, 2nd ram sold for $450. The
Shopshire ram from Calvert Farm sold for $600.
Katadin - 3 offered/2 sold - the top indexing ram was walked, the other 2 sold for $600 & $300.
Polypay - 2 offered/1 sold - Top indexing ram sold for $300.
Hampshire - 2 offered/sold - Top indexing ram sold for $450 & 2nd for $350 - both were RR.
Southdown - 1 ram - walked. And the story of the day - the
Merino ram - an entry from Robert Calvert of Calvert Farm sold for $1000. This QR twin represents years of progress in breeding Merinos and was a great looking ram ..... unfortunately, my picture was blurred, but you can see him in the on-line sale catalog
Lot # 138.
Yes, we dabble in Dorsets as a cross when we have enough Rambouillets. They make a great cross and a good ram, like this performance tested ram, sires some nice replacement females and meaty market lambs. We can also get some nice longer staple spinning fleeces from the x-bred ewes.
Oh - and here are some of the Suffolk ewes at JAS Farm ...... since we have the same sheep shearer, I may be able to get a fleece or two by spring for my friend Feisty! You know who you are ..... :)
Suffolk Ewes & Polled Hereford Cattle |
Thanks once again to the registered sheep producers who make this sale possible by sending their best rams in to be performance tested. Not all of the rams make it to the sale - the top indexing rams are considered "flock improvers".