Before - Fall Colors Above Driveway Late October |
I happened to have some pictures of our fall colors taken at sunset in October - the various screening trees & shrubs have filled in nicely. The outhouse/toolshed is situated at an angle in the flower bed and "looks like it's always been there", or so I told my SIL a couple of weeks ago when she visited.
Today we were busy hauling lambs in what was perfect weather for that chore. Temps in the high 60's and really high winds as a front was moving in. Listening to the radio as we returned, we heard about regional power outages and accidents due to trees & branches falling. We dodged broken limbs and debris on the road periodically the whole way home. Our neighbor was out picking up branches in her yard as we went by.
As we turned down the lower driveway, I joked "Well, the outhouse is still upright!" Ha, ha, ha. Then I said
"WHOA - look at that!!!". Mr. Wild Rose Farm said,
"Look at what ...?".
After - Massive Spruce Tree Fell Perfectly! |
There it was(n't) --- the huge sheltering spruce tree had been blown down. You can see one of the large side branches shattered & sticking up ... the tree was tall
and wide. Click for a close-up. That rock to the right on the lawn was leaning against the tree trunk!
Looking Toward The House At Dusk |
Well, we won't need a stump grinder for this one either. From the house we spotted a dead tree along the fenceline that had been blown down, so after cutting that off of the fence, it was back to the spruce. The driveway is now passable. :)
Clearing The Driveway |
Tomorrow? Pasture patrol of the rest of the fencelines checking for more downed trees.
As I post this blog, the corner of the house next to me creaks with the wind. The farmhouse is pinned and pegged construction - the corners are tree trunks two stories high with a 90 degree angle cut out of them to form the inside corner. Interesting, huh?