Sunday, May 2, 2021

Keeping Track of Who's Who!


Scourable Spray Paint & Barn Supplies
Every year we get questions about the green numbers painted on the ewes in the fall and on the lambs in the spring. The paint is a special formula for livestock - sheep in particular - that is "scourable". It will wash out in the wool washing or scouring process.  If you notice in the pictures as time goes on, the numbers fade in the sun & rain.  We refresh the markings once or twice over the summer as the lambs grow.  We have the paint out in the barn as we vaccinate, ear tag, and dock the lambs. Pretty nice tackle box, eh?  It's just the right size and the sheep "duck tape" is holding together the cracks in the lid.

Wild Rose Farm #141 & Twin Ram Lambs
Here are a couple of lambs that we just painted. The tag number of the ewe is painted on the lamb and in the case of twins, one of them gets a "dot".  That way, you can tell them apart at a distance if there's a problem without having to catch them to read the ear tag number. 
Time to head back out to the barn to check on a newborn set of twins and then make a quick pasture check!

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