Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Ram

Ram & Ewe #329
We put our Rambouillet ram in with the ewes on Sunday.  After first stopping at the mineral feeder for a few minutes, he quickly found a girlfriend.  She was none other than Wild Rose Farm #329!  She's been in the news lately because we shipped her prize winning fleece to the  Lancaster Spinners & Weavers Guild   a couple of weeks ago.  They are studying different breed fleeces, and this was their Rambouillet review.  Here she is hanging around with the ram.
Yearling Rambouillet #403 &Aged Rambouillet #321
  The rest of the ewes decided that the mineral feeder was a good place to loaf too.  Their ear tag numbers are spray painted on their hips .... makes it much easier to identify who is marked with the ram's breeding harness crayon in the light at dusk.

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