Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Bright Spot!

Michigan Fiber Farm!
Wild Rose Farm went to the Pittsburgh Knit & Crochet Festival today.  Part of our mission is to drop off the "Save The Date" cards for the Waynesburg Sheep & Fiber Fest.  Our real reason is to go, shop, and see what's out there for the fiber folks!   The show was really crowded this morning and it took about 15 minutes of cruising the hotel parking lot to find a space.  I met up with an old friend, Linda, and we took in the show together.  She had arrived early and had taken 2 classes.  I also ran into Susan, another farmer friend who lives out near WRF.  She had taken a triangle loom weaving class and was spotted leaving with a bag of fiber goodies!  She had the great good fortune to aquire a big "barn loom" that is going to be put back together one of these days .... can't wait to see it!
The yarns, accessories, fiber, books, etc. are really the cure for the winter blues if you need to get out .......
Needle Felted Jacket - Wow!

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