Sunday, June 14, 2009

Well hey, the hay was ready!

Excellent drying weather, so the hay was ready today! If you've ever made hay, hauled hay, or stacked it the barn haymow, you'd appreciate the weather today. It was 77 degrees F -vs- some of the temps in the 90's when this gets done. It was fairly breezy in the field, but of course there's no breeze in the barn where we're unloading & stacking. What a great picture of Jerry and his son following along making sure each bale pops out just right. He sure has a lot of energy!
And look what awaits for tomorrow ..... the bales that we picked up today are on the left & of course, the raked hay on the right will be baled for us to pick up tomorrow after work. That will be all of the 1st cutting square bales that we'll need this year. We carried over about 100 square bales from last summer. That's a good thing ..... you really don't want to run short of hay in the winter. Once we get this done, I'll get back to some wool emails that I'm working on! This is just like getting the sheep sheared .... when the shearer is available, you drop everything. And as we all know, you've gotta "make hay while the sun shines"!

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