Sunday, July 17, 2011

Work, Work, Work ......

Lot's of work going on here at Wild Rose Farm!   The barn has gotten a seal coat of linseed oil & the trim is painted white.  We may paint just below the roof line drip edge on the front ..... The other white is bold enough to balance more white on top, right? 
The WRF sign was turned over and we have a bright looking farm sign again.  The sheep & background in the center of the sign was handpainted by Campbell Signs & Apparel  over 12 years ago.  I'd recommend them to anyone looking for original art, not just computer generated clip art signs!
Here's Glenda standing near us as we look over the area that was cleared last winter.  We've seeded it with rye & orchard grass, but we really do need some rain.  The locust tree roots are sending up sprouts everywhere.  We had just finished trimming Glenda's hooves.  Here's an interesting tidbit.  We collect the hoof trimmings & give them to the dogs.  They like them better than pig ears and rawhide chews!  Life on the farm ......  :) 

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