Sunday, July 6, 2014

Life Along The Highway ...

Beaver County Boy Scouts Near Start Of 100 Mile Hike!
How do you know something is happening on US Route 30?  The hounds, of course, sent up a chorus of frantic barking and I heard voices ... no smart comments please!  ;)
It's that time of year, so I grabbed the camera and ran up the driveway in time to catch the last of the Boy Scouts as they passed on their way to Heritage Reservation Boy Scout Camp in Farmington, PA.  Every year the ritual takes place when the hike starts at a local church about a mile down the road from Wild Rose Farm. 
There They Go!
It looks like they have a cheering section parked on the left at the next street.  :)  The weather was overcast and in the mid 70's ... a great start to the hike!
Since I was out there, I decided to deadhead the stand of daylilies that thrive at the end of our lower driveway right along US Route 30.  Even the road salt in the winter doesn't bother them.
Daylily Garden Along US Route 30
While I was taking pictures, our neighbor went by on a tractor. He's out making hay on the backside of the farm across the road and was headed home to get his round baler.  A busy day on US Route 30 ...
Heading Home To Get The Baler!

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