Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Lamb Jitters

It's U2! 
Well, this morning, Wild Rose Farm U had her first lamb.  A healthy snow white ewe lamb!  U did a great job of cleaning off the lamb, but then kept backing off & wouldn't let the lamb nurse.  This doesn't happen often, most years we have no problems, but we keep a grafting headgate for just such occasions.  The gate allows the ewe to stand up, lie down and get her feed & water, but makes sure that the lamb can get to the udder, nurse, & get enough colostrum to get a good start.  Sometimes the lambs slips through the neck opening & can be found curled up peacefully under the ewe's nose.  Usually, the ewe can be released the next day or so, but sometimes it takes longer for her to accept a lamb, espsecially if it has been grafted on to her.  Gotta have a grafting headgate if you're going to do any lambing ..... then hope that you don't use it often! 
So what to name the ewe lamb?  Aunt Mary Ann agrees with me ..... U2!
U & U2 Grafting Head Gate At Work

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