Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lambing Starts At Wild Rose Farm ...

Taking Second Group Of Sheared Ewes Back To The Loafing Shed 
So ... on Tuesday afternoon, the second group of sheared ewes were walked back to the Loafing Shed where they met up with their waiting flockmates.   All was quiet & uneventful on Wednesday.
This morning around 10AM, my cell phone rang.  The tractor was parked just on the other side of the pine trees and I heard, "you'd better get over here, we have lambs!".  I could hear them bleating up a storm. 
When I got there, Mr. WRF had determined that the little twins obviously belonged to Rambouillet #422, a first time mother.  Unfortunately, ewe #407 and ewe #408 had decided that they wanted lambs too!  The ram lamb, who appeared to be 2nd born, was following them around as they pushed Mom & the twin ewe lamb around. 
While we caught up Mom, I held the twins and had two very angry ewes stamping their feet at me.  For those of you who don't know, you have to be careful around ewes with lambs.  Some of them will butt you and/or bowl you over to protect "their" lambs.
Long story short, we milked the ewe & added some colostrum from our frozen supply to ensure that the lambs were both fed.  Then we put the truck racks on our WRF wagon, loaded up #422, and I sat near her holding her lambs.  Ewe #407 followed us to the gate bleating the whole time.  Sheesh.
She needs some babies to mother!  :)
Here's the happy little group settled in the barn ... both lambs are nursing now and #422 is standing quietly.
Ewe Lamb Stands Up & Stretches

Wild Rose Farm Rambouillet Ewe #422 With Twins - Tails Wiggling!

Everyone is settled in at the barn, so now it's off for the evening pasture check to see if anyone else is ready to lamb!

Passed These Old Fashioned Daffodils In The Pasture Tonight ... Wonder Who Planted Them?

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