Monday, April 28, 2014

Wild Rose Farm Barn Scenes

Wild Rose Farm - #116 Twin Dorset Ram Lambs
Yesterday we had 3 sets of twins arrive.  We just came in from the barn after moving a young Rambouillet ewe #418 into a pen with her large single ewe lamb.  That lamb was "snow white" - no pun intended - and she had really cleaned it off. 
We put up some livestock panels in the barn to allow the llama a section of the shed roof overhang for shade and rain protection.  For now, she is penned next to, but separate from, the expectant ewes and the lambing pens.  She was just as curious as can be today ...
Snow White Says Hmmm, What's This?
Llama And Lamb Check Each Other Out!
Wild Rose Farm - It's Llama, Mama, & Lamb
OK .... now it's time for the 11PM check ... signing out! 


Becky said...

3 posts in as many days! You are busy! How often are barn checks? Do you take vacation for lambing?

RMK said...

We usually check at 5AM, 8AM, 11AM - Noonish, 2 - 3PM, after the evening kennel feeding, 8PM & then 11PM. If for instance, nothing is happening at all at 8PM and the weather is pleasant, we may not come out again until 5AM. If the weather is bad - cold/rainy - we may come out more often. I say "we", but we'll take turns checking (and yes, napping!) To start this season out, we pulled the 1st 7 ewes marked at breeding time and put them in the barn mixing pen because it was windy & rainy as the storm front moved through. That mostly worked with 2 additional ewes not in the barn lambing outside during that time. It's not an exact science with the combination of fine wool & medium wool sheep that we have. The fine wool Rambouillet sheep have slightly longer gestation periods ...